Gary Streuter was interviewed by the Safety Detectives about Invysta’s origins, missions and objectives:

Safety Detectives: Please share your company background, how you got started, and your mission.

Invysta: Our team was involved with digital security at a previous company—focused mostly on encryption. As we moved on, we began to ponder a very simple question: Why should every smartphone, computer, and tablet in the world be capable of accessing my important digital accounts? The answer of course was simple—they should only be able to access my accounts if I have authorized them for access. And that spawned the research that led us to create our patented Anonymous Access Key technology (AAK).

SD: What is the main service your company offers?

Invysta: Our Anonymous Access Key technology builds a digital key from unique hardware and software identifiers drawn from the smart devices you wish to authorize for access to your important accounts. The easiest way to understand this concept is to think of the AAK as being the DNA of the devices that the rightful account owner wishes to grant access to their important accounts. The AAK operates in Zero-Trust mode, whereby each access request to a protected website account requires the AAK to be regenerated from the device seeking access and matched to the AAK values of devices authorized for access.

SD: What is something unique that helps you stay ahead of your competition?

Invysta: From the beginning of our work, we have been focused on providing a robust access security product that minimizes the need for people to participate in that process. Once a smartphone, computer, or tablet has been registered for access by the rightful account owner, there is nothing more the user must do to gain access. The access process operates just as it would on an unregistered device—except an unregistered device cannot gain access. Most of our competition in this market requires and depends on users to do something more—and it is well known that people are data securities’ worst nightmare.

SD: What do you think are the worst cyberthreats today?

Invysta: There is no shortage of cyberthreats in the world today. However, it is our view that there is no one silver bullet that can protect against this mass of threats that are attacking us on a worldwide basis. Our view of providing cyber security is that the solution is sort of like eating an elephant—do it one bite at a time. With that philosophy in mind, we have focused our Anonymous Access Key technology on eliminating unauthorized access to your digital accounts. Given that the vast majority of cyberthreats encountered today are initiated using breached user credentials, we feel we can make an important contribution in providing worldwide digital security and helping to rebuild users’ confidence in their digital lives.


This article appeared on the Safety Detectives on 12 OCT 2021.

Cybersecurity Expert and Writer